Want something to do this summer? Join Wowser! If you are too busy this summer, join anyway to help support our summer program.
We’re offering a special from now through June 15th for half-off our normal membership fee. You can become a member for just $50 or $4.44 a month for twelve months.
This is not a ‘boys only’ place; EVERYONE over 14 years-old is welcome!
Wowser offers different things for different people. You get access to all kinds of tools and machines. You get to go to our new coffee shop, work on group projects, watch others work on their projects, AND as part of our membership drive, all of our summer classes are FREE. Classes range from welding to jewelry making to 3D Modeling and more.
We’ll be announcing our final summer class schedule by May 28 and class sign-ups will be available at that time. (Schedule is here.)
Starting June 15th, and for eight continuous weeks, we will offer different choices for introductory classes. Each week will have adventures in making, building, learning, and growing. We’re asking you to participate in our membership drive, even if you do not want to attend the summer sessions, to help support our program.
Sign up as a member now by CLICKING HERE and selecting $4.44 and check “make this a monthly gift.” Bring the receipt in and we will get you started!
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